
Hi! I'm Lori

I'm a tech writer, course creator, and coach for new freelancers. My career started in information technology, blogging, and finally, freelance writing. Everyone's journey, life, career, or business, is different, and we face challenges and hiccups along the way. Writing content means telling a business's story, no matter your niche. My newsletter provides insights, tips, and news that benefit bloggers, content writers, freelance writers, and those just dipping their toes in the water. I publish weekly on Tuesdays unless I have a new product or campaign running. Then you may receive a few more during that time. Have a question? If you're on my list, reply to any email or email me at [email protected]. Allow two business days for a reply.

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What's the plan? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Hey, Hi, Hello, Reader! How are you doing? I'm so glad you're here! Last week, I was heavy into writing on Security Operation Centers and their move to cloud-based systems. Our content team has been doing a lot of interesting things, but sometimes I miss the deep dive into content. What are you working on? Reply back and share your link. I'd love to see it! We're heading into Black Friday season and the emails and trainings have been hitting my inbox and hard. I haven't put out a black Friday...

View this on the web here. Hey, Hi, Hello! I'm so glad it's the weekend, Reader! Have you noticed that some weeks just drag and drag to the end? This week was like that for me. Getting motivated to do work is hard sometimes. How do you overcome the stagnating pool of feeling unmotivated? Look back at why you started your business If you write regularly on your blog, look back at the comments Think about where you are right now and how far you've comeOften our vision is set to only see how far...